The Electronic prescription service (EPS) is an NHS service. It gives you the chance to change how your GP sends your prescription to the place your choose to get your medicines or appliances from.
What does this mean for you?
If you collect your paper repeat prescriptions from your GP you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead your GP will send your prescription electronically to your chosen pharmacy, saving you time.
You will not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as your chosen pharmacy will have time to make up your prescription.
Is this service right for you?
Yes, if you have a stable condition and you don’t want to go to your GP practice every time to collect your repeat prescription.
How do I start the Electronic Prescription Service?
You need to choose a place for your GP practice to electronically send your prescription to. This is called nomination. Choose: St Albans Pharmacy, Normandy Pharmacy, Codicote pharmacy or Elstree pharmacy
To register and nominate a pharmacy or a dispensing appliance contractor, you will need to provide your personal details, including name, address and contact details. It only takes a few minutes to complete, and you can change or cancel your nomination any time. You can:
Register Online and fill in the form to nominate Elstree Pharmacy and ensure you select the check box under ‘Nominate for EPS’.
You can use the Contact us to ask our staff to add your nomination for you.
Is EPS reliable, secure and confidential?
Yes. Your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now.